Welcome To The House Of Genista @ Home Blog

Welcome to my blog.... This is were I will be posting about all the things that go on in my world. I will be sharing photos, information etc and anything else I find interesting. This blog is linked to my website The House Of Genista."Genista" is pronounced "Jennista" with a J but spelt with a G. I am a teddy bear artist. I design and create collectible mohair "Genista Bears", needlefelted bears and other animals. If you have an interest in seeing any of my work please check out this blog, my other blogs "The House Of Genista Bear Studio" or visit my website. Links for other blogs and website are below.... Please enjoy your visit with us and become a follower if you enjoyed your visit. Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you....... Hugs Hillary Rose THE HOUSE OF GENISTA

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Winner of Give-A-Way

The winner of my Christmas Eve Give-A-Way is:


who is now the proud owner of


A L/E "Genista Bear" of just two, this one is

Number One.


I have emailed you as you know and Snowy is on her way to you. Thank you for being a member of my website.

Beary Hugs

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Toffee Apples And Cookies

Are you ready for Halloween'? Just a week to go. I've been busy making cookies, toffee apples and getting the pumpkins in ready.
For a link to gorgeous "Pumpkin Cookies" and "Toffee Apples" recipes just click the post title above.


Friday, 8 October 2010

A Reprieve For Casper

Check out Caspers' doggy blog to find out about his reprieve! Click on photo or post title for link...

Sooooo pleased, but I'll let Casper tell you all about it lol!


Monday, 4 October 2010

Update On Casper

Casper playing ball on Sunday

The appointment has come through for Caspers' assessment with the orthopaedic surgeon in Bristol. Friday 8th October at 8.30am. He has to be examined and assessed to see which surgery is best for his hip dysplasia. The vet will decide whether he should wait to have a complete hip replacement (which cannot be done until he is fully matured), or a Triple Pelvic Osteotomy a procedure effective for younger canines, like Casper. The pelvic bones are surgically broken down so that certain parts can be realigned accordingly. Sounds horrendous!!
We have been told not to feed him after 8pm the night before as the surgeon may decide to operate the same day – dependant on the assessment. OMG, my nerves are in tatters. I am dreading Friday! It just seems so unfair on him, he is such a lovely, sweet and gentle little soul. He wouldn't harm a fly! The procedures are sooooo expensive too, I'll be making bears till my fingers drop off lol!! Awhh well, could be worse, look on the bright side!
Beary Hugs

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Genista Pawtraits

Just for fun I have started a "SKETCH A DAY" on my art blog GENISTA PAWTRAITS. Just five minute sketches from my daily sketch pad. Nothing fancy lol, just fun graphite pencil sketches.
Why not pop along for a visit and add me to your favourites. Click on this post title for link to my homepage or click on my Genista Pawtraits button in the side bar of this blog at the top under "My Website/Blogs".
A few examples of my sketches below just for fun

A Cat

A Hedgehog

I hope you find them interesting and fun!! Please leave a comment on my homepage if you have a moment to spare....

Beary Hugs

Monday, 13 September 2010

It Never Rains But It Pours


"It never rains but it pours!" How true that saying is. We are just getting over our little Yorkshire Terrier Megan having had surgery - a hysterectomy - when this morning our gorgeous little Labrador Retriever, 6 month old Casper has been diagnosed with "Hip Dysplasia"! Apparently his hips are in a very bad way. He is at the vets having surgery on the tendon to assist with the problem.
He was playing in the top field yesterday with a few of is friends who are also chocolate labradors and came back full of beans and as happy as could be. A little later however he started to act strangely, as if he was in pain, spent the rest of the day in his bed, which is not like him at all. Last night when we went to bed he spent most of the night whining as if he was in discomfort, so we sat with him and comforted him untill he fell asleep, I watched him all night, and then off we went to the vets this morning and were astounded at the outcome. We thought he had a bad belly or something, but no! It is hip dysplasia.
We will be picking him up from the vets later today. He will talk to us about Caspers diet, exercise, long term problems etc to try and prevent this condition getting any worse. Long-term, he may have to have a hip replacement when he is fully matured and grown.
Like everything in life, we will have to take things day by day and simply just do whatever is necessary for Casper. Hopefully this condition will not worsten with a proper diet, excercise and I suppose it's best to know about this as early as possible as it gives us a chance to make sure he doesn't put on weight etc. We are planning to sell our house and buy a bungalow in the very near future so that will ensure Casper doesn't have any stairs to climb as he gets older. We at least have time to plan I suppose. I'm rambling a bit I know, it just seems to be one thing after another lately. The only consellation is that "it could be worse" I suppose!
I will let you know how he gets on.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Water Baby

Casper My "Water Baby" enjoying his swim time at the pond. He is now 5 months old and you cannot keep him out of the water. He loves it....

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Meet "Jimny" OOAK

Please meet "Jimny" from The Miniature World Of The House Of Genista

"Jimny" is just 3.75ins and a cute little bear cub created from a lovely hand dyed mohair in hues of pretty blues with co-ordinating mohair paw pads. Black glass eyes, needle felted little face, poly filled, cotter pin joint to his neck, thread jointed limbs. Jimny can stand unaided. Light blue satin ribbon with "Wish Upon A Star" charm adorn his neck, H of G Logo on right paw pad, H of G Hangtag and H of G COA. "Jimny" is a OOAK Teddy Bear created from Ambers pattern.

He will be available on my website and Etsy this week!

Beary Hugs
Update 7th July
"Jimny" has been ADOPTED by one of my members at my website (Glynis - Manchester) before I had chance to even get him on my website for sale. Soooo pleased! Thank you Glynis! Jimny is on his way to you!

Saturday, 26 June 2010

The Winner Of "Annie" Is.....

DM - Mascotblog!

Congratulations DM! I have emailed you and wait for your address so that I can post Annie off to her new home in France first thing on Monday morning!<>
Beary Hugs To You All

Friday, 18 June 2010

Hurry Hurry!!

Don't forget my Anniversary Give-A-Way on Saturday 26th June!!

"Annie" is looking for a new home.

There is still plenty of time to enter.
(Click photo for details)


A big "Thank You" to everyone who has entered my Give-A-Way so far and for all your lovely comments. Much appreciated!

Beary Hugs

Summer Days

Summer is well and truly with us! To me Summer means:
Time for fun!!

The Beach (I wish! Ours is more a dull grey lol),
Outings, BBQ's with all the family

Beautiful fresh Colours
And Flowers Everywhere

More visits to our caravan. Heaven!!

Long lovely (dry) walks with our beloved dogs
Casper and Megan - "My Babies"

The lovely smell of freshly mown grass

Citrus Fruits and Salads.
Refreshing and tasty and great for losing a few pounds, which I need to do after that long old drudgery winter we've had.

Lovely cool summer clothes (as long as I can fit into them now lol, mmhhh maybe a baggy t.shirt would be more appropriate!)

And Much More....


Beary Hugs

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Lazy Week

(Click on Caspers' Photo to catch up with his page)
It has been half-term this week so we have had a lazy week spent at the caravan. The weather has been lovely so it has been a great week all round. Casper ("Pappa" who he is affectionately known as) now 12 weeks old (see above) has thoroughly enjoyed his time in the sun. He is definetly an outdoor dog, just loves to laze and play in the sun. We have had plenty to do apart from lazing about - cinema, picnics, trip to McDonalds (yummy), country park for lovely walks with the dogs, meal out with all the family (lovely!!) and some retail therapy shopping lol. Not a bad week!! Unfortunately, there was not a bear or paintbrush in sight so when we get back home on Sunday evening it will be back to the grindstone I think in more ways than one.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Meet "Little SAM"

Please meet "Little Sam" from The Miniature World Of The House Of Genista. Click photograph for link.

Monday, 10 May 2010

My Week-End Breaks

I thought you may be interested in seeing where I go on my week-end and Summer breaks. We have a large 6 berth caravan sited in Wales where we go most week-ends in the Spring/Summer and most school holidays, 6 weeks in the Summer. It is our "Little Haven" and our pride and joy. We take our pets with us (including the tortoise lol) and it is a wonderful place for Bear Making! In fact most of my bears have been created here. We love it and so do the pets and the kids. Our pitch is a rather large pitch with a long gravel driveway, path, large lawn (needs work on), flower borders, a lovely rhododendrum in the centre, decking for sitting out in the sun, gate, driveway double gates, surrounded by a picket fence with a wicker type fence at the rear (in photo). The awning, which is attached to the caravan sits on decking with large rugs scattered around, table/chairs, sofa, tv etc and makes a lot more room for everyone. We travel there in my pride and joy, our Mitsubishi Shogun "Animal". Appropriate name for a car for us with all our beloved pets lol. I love that car!! She is a few years old now but so comfy and reliable. Our site is about an hour away from home, on a mountain in countryside, and is a lovely place to get away from the stresses and strains of everyday living.
Well, that's a big part of my life so I thought I would share my little getaway with you. It's where I'll be this week-end with my laptop and dongle in hand, and a bear or two of course!!
Hope you found it interesting!!

Bear In Progress 2

The Bear I Am Currently Working On! I Finally Managed To Photograph Today Albeit Not A Very Good Photo As It Is Very Dull Here Today. The Head Is The Base (Upside Down) With The Cotter Pin Sticking Out! Just Needs Limb Joints, Stuffing And His Little Face To Complete Him. He Has Taken Me Soooo Long Due To Other Comittments But I Will Hopefully Finish Him This Week Before I Go Off To My Caravan For A Week-End Break. If Not, I Will Take Him With Me And Finish Him There.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Bear In Progress

A lovely piece of Schulte mohair 9mm dense blue, the mohair I am using for my latest design. He is all cut out, stitched and ready to stuff and joint. Head is already stuffed. I will add more pictures tomorrow when I get better light to photograph.