"It never rains but it pours!" How true that saying is. We are just getting over our little Yorkshire Terrier Megan having had surgery - a hysterectomy - when this morning our gorgeous little Labrador Retriever, 6 month old Casper has been diagnosed with "Hip Dysplasia"! Apparently his hips are in a very bad way. He is at the vets having surgery on the tendon to assist with the problem.
He was playing in the top field yesterday with a few of is friends who are also chocolate labradors and came back full of beans and as happy as could be. A little later however he started to act strangely, as if he was in pain, spent the rest of the day in his bed, which is not like him at all. Last night when we went to bed he spent most of the night whining as if he was in discomfort, so we sat with him and comforted him untill he fell asleep, I watched him all night, and then off we went to the vets this morning and were astounded at the outcome. We thought he had a bad belly or something, but no! It is hip dysplasia.
We will be picking him up from the vets later today. He will talk to us about Caspers diet, exercise, long term problems etc to try and prevent this condition getting any worse. Long-term, he may have to have a hip replacement when he is fully matured and grown.
Like everything in life, we will have to take things day by day and simply just do whatever is necessary for Casper. Hopefully this condition will not worsten with a proper diet, excercise and I suppose it's best to know about this as early as possible as it gives us a chance to make sure he doesn't put on weight etc. We are planning to sell our house and buy a bungalow in the very near future so that will ensure Casper doesn't have any stairs to climb as he gets older. We at least have time to plan I suppose. I'm rambling a bit I know, it just seems to be one thing after another lately. The only consellation is that "it could be worse" I suppose!
I will let you know how he gets on.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings!
Ohh my God!!! Poor babies :-( I really hope everything goes well with your chocolate boy and a that Megan will overcome her illness well !!! May be with proper diet and exercise Casper will so to say overgrow this Hip Dysplasia...I will keep my fingers crossed for both of your pets and sure that everythig will be all right with them!
ReplyDeleteBe strong and let us know the news,
Oooh I am sorry. I hope things all work out. I know how important pets can be to us animal lovers.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support, Casper is awaiting an assessment with an expert in hip dysplasia. He will undoubtably have to have surgery again but we are hopeful that this will rectify his condition. He is on supplements in the meantime. Poor little man, he's been through the mill a bit in such a short time.